Via Paypal link PayPal.Me/RonnieRosser send the total ticket cost. The comments section must include the attendee's full name, email address, and name of training(s) for which you are registering. Please keep the payment option as "Personal Payment" rather than changing it to "Goods & Services" so neither of us get charged a fee (this is very much appreciated).
Registration Insruction:
Via Paypal link PayPal.Me/RonnieRosser send the total ticket cost. The comments section must include the attendee's full name, email address, and name of training(s) for which you are registering. Please keep the payment option as "Personal Payment" rather than changing it to "Goods & Services" so neither of us get charged a fee (this is very much appreciated).
Registration Insruction:
Via Paypal link PayPal.Me/RonnieRosser send the total ticket cost. The comments section must include the attendee's full name, email address, and name of training(s) for which you are registering. Please keep the payment option as "Personal Payment" rather than changing it to "Goods & Services" so neither of us get charged a fee (this is very much appreciated).